30% OFF with code LOVE 30 [Sale ends Feb 16] + Free shipping on orders over $75
30% OFF with code LOVE 30 [Sale ends Feb 16] + Free shipping on orders over $75
We are a brand born of a love for the beauty of restraint in design, the inherent grace of feminine strength, and the necessity to treat our environment and each other with love and respect.
Each of our carefully researched, styled, tested and distributed collections reflects a particular aesthetic and ethos. We hope some of these speak to your own style, and help you refine and redefine your own look and style philosophy in the process.
Each of our carefully researched, styled, tested and distributed collections reflects a particular aesthetic and ethos. We hope some of these speak to your own style, and help you refine and redefine your own look and style philosophy in the process.
Linea Collection
Eclipse Collection
Arizona Collection
September 01, 2022 4 min read
Gift-wrapping sounds simple enough, right? Each year, we purchase wrapping paper and wrap gifts to give to our loved ones, but many of us end up making common mistakes that make the entire process more complicated than it needs to be. Essentially, wrapping gifts should be fun, rather than being a chore.
How to Get Creative While Trying to Avoid Some of the Most Common Wrapping Mistakes
Below are some common wrapping mistakes to avoid, so that you can enjoy a smoother gift-wrapping session this year. And, after learning what they are and how to avoid/fix them, from there, you will be able to nail the wrapping of every gift without even once tossing those scissors across the room in annoyance.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #1: Not Buying Enough
It’s all too common to fail to buy enough wrapping paper, and then ending up having to make several last-minute trips to the store to replenish supply. We always recommend stocking up on wrapping paper – roughly a couple more rolls than you think that you’ll need – to avoid running out, since you can always save what’s left for next year.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #2: Clashing Designs
When wrapping many gifts at one time, many of us choose a few different wrapping paper designs. This can add to the visual interest, as everyone likes seeing a variety of colors and patterns to excite their eyes. But, make sure that they don’t clash with one another, with patterns and/or colors that just don’t look good when stacked on top of one another. Really consider how the different wrapping papers will look next to one another before making a purchase.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #3: Using the Cheap Tape
Nothing is more irritating than going through the effort of wrapping a gift beautifully, only for the paper to start coming undone – especially before the recipient’s eyes. The key is not ‘cheaping’ out on the tape. Purchase tape that costs a little more, to guarantee a perfectly secure hold.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #4: Not Trimming the Edges
When wrapping a gift, we tend to fold one edge of paper over the other, secure it with tape and then fold in the remaining two sides. One thing that a lot of people fail to do is trim those two end sides before folding them over, which creates a bulky-looking gift. Grab your scissors and trim them to make them an even length, so that you can create a smoother result.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #5: Not Using a Box
A lot of gifts are tough to wrap because of their shape, like dishes, sculptures, and shoes. Rather than ending up with a misshapen, messy looking gift, consider finding a box that can contain the gift, which you can then wrap easily.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #6: Not Embellishing Your Gift
If you’re going to put the effort into wrapping a gift, you don’t want to avoid the embellishments or else you’ll fail to maximize the visual impact that we’re all trying to achieve. Put some effort into finding beautiful ribbons or bows that complement the design of the wrapping paper, to give gifts that extra punch of visual appeal.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #7: Losing Track of Which Gift is for Whom
Many of us have wrapped a ton of gifts at once, only to forget which gift is under each sheet of wrapping paper. This can be a nightmare, as no one wants to give the wrong gift to someone. We recommend that before dressing the gift with ribbon, you use sharpie to mark down the initials of the recipient in tiny letters. Once the ribbon is on, you can discreetly peak underneath it to see which gift goes to whom.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #8: Not Considering the Recipient’s Taste
Although usually not required, it is always a nice touch to take into account the recipient’s design preferences over your own. This is more practical when it comes to a birthday gift, rather than wrapping gifts for several people at once. Think about their favorite colors, patterns, and materials. From there, use that as your guide when choosing wrapping paper, ribbon, and other accessories.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #9: Passing Off Seasonal Wrapping Paper at the Wrong Time
Most of us have done it at some point or another – we ran out of time and ended up using the Christmas wrapping paper to wrap a summertime birthday present. Avoid this by always keeping a supply of wrapping paper in stock that’s seasonally neutral – in other words, appropriate for all occasions.
Common Gift Wrapping Mistake #10: Buying the Same Wrapping Paper as Everyone Else
Sure, going to the local pharmacy or grocery store to buy wrapping paper is convenient – but you risk ending up with the same paper that everyone else is giving at the gift-giving occasion. It’s better to find a boutique wrapping paper manufacturer who offers something unique, that will stand out from the crowd.
Avoid These Wrapping Paper Mistakes During the Gift-Giving Season or Any Special Occasion for that Matter!
As you can see, there is an art to wrapping a gift, along with a variety of ways to make mistakes that will cost you in terms of visual impact, time, convenience, and money. At Waterleaf Paper, we offer sustainable, biodegradable, and eco-friendly wrapping paper that you can explore to find the perfect wrapping paper for each recipient this year. Also, by avoiding these common mistakes, your gift-wrapping skills will blossom in the process.