How to Find the Right Baby Shower Wrapping Paper

September 01, 2022 3 min read

How to Find the Right Baby Shower Wrapping Paper

Baby showers are special gift-giving occasions that help a soon-to-be-mom get set up with everything she needs for her newborn. Choosing the perfect gift for her is essential, since it needs to be something that she’ll actually get a lot of valuable use out of when the baby arrives. But, you also want the gift to be visually appealing, and that’s where baby shower wrapping paper comes in.

Baby Shower Wrapping Paper Done Right!

If you have a baby shower coming up, you’ll want to make a point to decorate the gift as beautifully as possible, while sticking to the theme. That being said, here are some tips for finding the perfect baby shower wrapping paper.

Tip #1: Find A Look That Fits the Theme 

You can definitely find wrapping paper out there that is specifically designed for baby showers, featuring motifs and color themes that match the special occasion. The last thing that you want to do is show up with a gift wrapped in paper that’s clearly intended for Christmas, Halloween or some other distinctive occasion. So, put a little extra work into finding wrapping paper that clearly says, “baby shower”.

Tip #2: Choose Something That’s Visually Impactful 

How a gift is wrapped can hugely affect how excited the recipient is to open it, and is going the extra mile to make your gift look as visually appetizing as possible shows the recipient how much you care. So, make a point to really explore what’s out there, to find a wrapping paper design that stands out and offers huge aesthetic value. Skip the grocery store, where you can very well end up with a baby shower wrapping paper that is exactly the same as someone else’s at the shower. Find a company that makes unique, high-end-looking wrapping paper designs that have the “wow” factor you’re looking for.

Tip #3: Make Sure Your Embellishments Match 

Most of us like to decorate a baby shower gift with not just wrapping paper, but embellishments like ribbons, bows and even small plastic baby toys. Make sure that the embellishments that you want to use match the wrapping paper you choose to create a cohesive, polished and high-end look.  

Tip #4: Choose An Eco-Friendly Wrapping Paper Product 

Just as important as the aesthetics of a baby shower gift is how eco-friendly the wrapping paper is. You’d be surprised by how much wrapping paper is not recyclable, let alone biodegradable. This leads to a significant amount of waste, since most modern wrapping papers are coated in wax, which comes from synthetic materials that never fully break down. Eco-friendly wrapping paper is made of completely natural materials that are biodegradable, being able to fully decompose through microorganisms that break down the fibers and use them to improve the soil. At Waterleaf Paper, you can find eco-friendly wrapping paper that is completely biodegradable in order to have a positive impact on the environment, rather than contributing to our growing problem of waste around the world.

Choose the Right Baby Shower Wrapping Paper at Waterleaf Paper 

Wrapping paper makes a huge impression when you give a gift at a baby shower, before the recipient even knows what’s inside. That’s why it’s good to make an effort to find the best wrapping paper for the occasion, with a unique, visually stunning design that has a big impact. At the same time, you should always choose wrapping paper that’s eco-friendly, to avoid contributing to the damage taking place within our environment. At Waterleaf Paper, we offer a wide selection of baby shower-themed wrapping paper products that are all completely eco-friendly, to give you the best of both world.

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