Is Traditional Wrapping Paper Eco-Friendly?

May 15, 2023 3 min read

Is Traditional Wrapping Paper Eco-Friendly?

We live in a more and more environmentally friendly society, recognizing that many of our habits and household products are causing significant collective harm to our planet. And, considering how many gifts we wrap and unwrap each year, for various birthdays, holidays, showers, weddings, and what have you, it’s time to take an honest look at the wrapping paper industry and ask ourselves whether it’s as environmentally sound as many of us want to believe.

What Does “Eco-Friendly” Mean?

“Eco-friendly” is a general term used to describe any product or industry that doesn’t directly harm the environment. In terms of products, it means that it’s recyclable, is capable of breaking down rather than polluting our land and water resources, and doesn’t release toxins into the earth, nor harm ecosystems. 

Is Wrapping Paper Generally Good for the Environment?

Once upon a time, the standard material for wrapping paper was wood pulp. But, that has changed over the years. The bottom line is that it’s cheaper to use plastic derivatives, like polyethylene, with synthetic laminates that make it glossy. Plastic materials are not eco-friendly, and that’s why there’s a big push to move away from plastics, and rely on more sustainable materials that are biodegradable (capable of breaking down completely into the earth, to feed our soil’s biodiversity).

Basically, the takeaway is that the majority of commercial wrapping paper, like what you’d find at the supermarket or in a stationery store, is not eco-friendly – in fact, it’s harmful for the environment. Again, considering how much wrapping paper we use, you can imagine that its impact on the environment is a lot bigger than most of us can imagine.

How Can I Find Eco-Friendly Wrapping Paper?

The good news is that eco-friendly wrapping paper does exist. Just because it’s cheaper to produce wrapping paper using cheap synthetics doesn’t mean that you can’t find it made from biodegradable, recyclable materials. So, what should you look for in eco-friendly wrapping paper?

  • Sustainable Sourcing:First off, you want to know that the wrapping paper was sustainably sourced in terms of its materials. This means that the materials are not endangered in any way, and are able to replenish themselves rather than taking away important resources from our environment. Think bamboo vs. endangered trees, as well as the avoidance of using materials that populations rely on to survive, which don’t replenish themselves quickly.
  • Biodegradable Materials:You also want to find a wrapping paper made with materials that break down on their own, when combined with water. Biodegradable materials like wood pulp and cellulose break down quickly into the earth, replenishing the soil and providing food for important organisms. In turn, this improves soil conditions while leaving behind zero waste.
  • Minimal Environmental Impact in its Production:Finally, you want to consider how the wrapping paper is actually produced. The manufacturing facility itself should strive to minimize waste as much as possible, while having a single centralized facility to minimize transportation, to achieve a low carbon footprint.

Waterleaf Paper Co Wrapping Paper: An Eco-Friendly Solution to a Growing Environmental Problem

Waterleaf Paper Co is proud to offer eco-friendly wrapping paper in a wide selection of gorgeous designs and patterns, thanks to our team of artisans who work hard to offer ethical and beautiful solutions to your gift-related needs. Our wrapping paper is 100% biodegradable, ethically and sustainably sourced, and crafted in our low-waste facility to ensure a low carbon footprint. We believe that it’s the little steps that we all take that make a big impact on our planet’s future, and we encourage you to make the switch to our environmentally friendly gift-wrapping products for your next gift-giving occasion.

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